杨群Yang Qun
展期/Exhibition Time:1月18—1月23
开幕时间/Opening: 1月18下午七点
展览地点/Exhibition Location:
新加坡239003穆罕默德苏丹路65 Homes65艺术空间
Homes65 Artroom,65 Mohamed Sultan Road Singapore 239003
联系电话 Tel:9648-1762
Introduction to YANG QUN
Born in Feb.1958,Graduated from Normal University of An Hui, specializing in woodcut, in 1982 Taught in Art Department of Teacher’s College of Fu Yang in 1985 and participated in first Two-person’s woodcut show in Nanking, 1986. Received first prize in Papercut Competition of Chinsese Art Museum in 1989 and entered China Central Academy of Fine Arts for further study exhibited at art show in Tian Gu Art Museum in 1990.
Summary of recent shows:
‘Present China’art exhibition in China Art Museum of 2006
Chinese ink show of “exclamation art space” in 798 Art Villege in 2014
Chinese Art Exhibition of China-Australian conference of art education in 2014
Beijing International Art Fair in 2011‘Life is like a play, Yang Qun paints the play” art show in The Cutural Palace for Nationalities, Beijing in 2017.