Lifelong learning for the never-ending Art Journey

Singapore artist, Oh Swee Ai (Tracy), was a Compliance Engineer/Auditor. She gave up her 18 years of audit experience in engineering job to pursue her art passion in late-2016. Swee Ai is fascinated in oil painting and watercolor.

Art is a never-ending journey for her. As a child, she enjoyed drawing, coloring & art crafting, and joined the Art Club in primary school. During her secondary education, she was addicted to sketching and painting when the art teacher introduced still-life drawing and artworks creation.

Swee Ai continuing her passion as an art hobbyist with Singapore artist, Mr Ler Hock Chuan, in early-2000.

“Mr Ler is a great mentor to me. He would give me abundance time to practice the skills and techniques in oil paint and watercolour. Back then, there isn’t digital camera. Hence he ended up buying same type of fruit for weeks in order for me to complete the artwork. I really appreciated his efforts.” said Swee Ai.

However she slowed down in painting after arrived of her first child. Her passion towards art did not end as she learnt to be a mother. It blossomed into Children’s Arts. She spent time giving opportunities for her children to develop their drawing skills, inspire freedom of expression and innovative thinking.

Few years back, Swee Ai joined the Art Interest Group under Singapore artist, Mr Low Tho Seng. Constantly they play with interesting techniques, colours and style in oil painting. The Art Interest Group holds group exhibition regularly.

Learning is a lifelong journey to her. Her strong passion for drawing and painting prompted her to pursue course on western art at Nayang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA), which primarily in old master approaches of layered in oils and traditional washes for watercolour. For the coming months, she will be spending more time on course-works and participating in various competitions and group exhibitions.


  • Artist Singapore ( Professional Artist Member [Artist Membership# ARTIST0032TO ]


  • 2017 ACC Artist Art Contest, Top 20 Artists


  • 2017 Arts Journey Exhibition, Tanjong Pagar Art Gallery
  • 2017 Arts Journey Exhibition, Bishan Park in-conjunction with PassionArts Festival
  • 2016 Arts Journey Exhibition, The Green Room by Aramsa

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